Custom T-shirt Fundraisers

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Ethical Custom T-shirts & Fundraisers


No Obligation & No Cost!

Raise Funds + Awareness!

inkBrave is a Women-Led TBL Org. Our custom tees are all made ethically, with no child or forced labor, and printed environmentally responsibly and always with certified child-safe inks.
inkBrave is a women-led TBL org that focuses on ethical t-shirts and fundraising.

What are Ethical Tees?
T-shirts and apparel made humanely and environmentally responsible. To us, this means not printing on brands that were made with child or forced labor, or that aren't both transparent and responsible in thier environmental practices. inkBrave works with indepdnantly rated on ethics covering fair labor and environmental standards. 

For the health of our customers and workers, inkBrave also uses US Consumer Product Safety Commission certified child-safe inks on ALL custom screen printed t-shirts and apparel. 

We Get You!

Because Our Hearts Are Alike
Want tips on how to design custom t-shirts? 
Need help with fundraising ideas? 
Ask Away!!!

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Raise Funds + Awareness

inkBrave makes raising funds and awareness free and easy! We even set EVERYTHING up for you - FREE!
Start A Fundraiser
custom t-shirt design ideas

Group Tees & More

Get the same high quality and ethical tees without the fundraiser. We make custom tees for teams, schools & more. 
Get a Quick Quote

Ethical and Safe

ALL orders printed ethically and environmentally in US on official brands with US CPSC certified safe inks!
Peace of Mind

Great Quality & Prices

Compare us! No hidden fees... Ever! 
Plus, we pass our low-overhead and volume savings onto you!
Values & "Values"
about inkBrave
It's about not just doing good business, but doing good things.
It's about supporting and sharing causes that inspire and unite us all.
women in matching t shirts at a charity run

Custom T-Shirt Fundraising

inkBrave fundraisers are easy & better than free
  1. We set-up your t-shirt fundraiser page
  2. We process all orders
  3. We collect all sizes
  4. We custom print every item
  5. We ship everything (individually or to one location - whichever you wish) and...
  6. We Send you a check for the funds raised! 
All you have to do is spread the word! 
...and cash the check.
Start Your Fundraiser
Be Kind. Be You. Be Brave!
We know that like us, you support good causes in countless different ways. Whether it's through volunteerism, cause-supporting runs, raising awareness, charitable giving or just being kind to others, we admire and share your values. We appreciate all the positive ways you impact our community and beyond, and admire everything you do for others. You and kindred hearts are why we do things so very differently. 

It's why we focus so much of our energy and time prioritizing your safety, our environment and sharing causes that unite us all. We know it's different and even disruptive but a little boat-rocking can be a good thing. It's people not numbers that inspire us every day. Inspire us to be kind, to be different... and to be brave.

Thank you!

Melissa Reed
Executive Director, inkBrave
Below are just a few examples of causes we believe in and support through volunteerism, charitable giving, fundraising and awareness raising.
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