NOVA | Stop Child Sexual Abuse


NOVA’s CSA Stoppers training program was created by joining forces with Penn State University, the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Deliquency, and other local organizations for the Safe and Healthy Communities Initiative, designed to reduce the rates of child sexual abuse (CSA) through evidence-based webinar programs. The goal: train 5% of adults in Bucks County by 2021. The growing group of CSA Stoppers in Bucks County are those dedicated to protecting all the children in our lives.
For the health of all customers and workers, inkBrave uses only US Consumer Product Safety Commission certified child-safe inks for ALL custom screen printed t-shirts and apparel. All items are printed in the USA using environmentally responsible methods, heath-safe inks, and on genuine and ethically-rated brands manufactured without child or forced labor. Learn More

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Be Kind. Be Different. Be Brave!
We know that like us, you support good causes in countless different ways. Whether it's through volunteerism, cause-supporting runs, raising awareness, charitable giving or just being kind to others, we admire and share your values. We appreciate all the positive ways you impact our community and beyond, and admire everything you do for others.  

It's why we do things so differently and commit to the health + safety of customers & workers, our environment and to sharing causes that unite us all. We know it's different and even disruptive but a little boat-rocking can be a good thing. 

It's you and kindred hearts that inspire us to be kind, be different... and be brave.

Melissa Reed
Executive Director, inkBrave

inkBrave is a Women-Led Triple-Bottom-Line Organization in Bucks County, PA. We measure success not just by business, but by our impact -- on people, our communities and our planet. Your order helps support inkBrave's ethical and empathy-driven mission, and non-profit volunteer workBelow are just a few examples of causes we believe in and support as individuals and an organization through fundraising, charitable donations, awareness building and volunteerism.
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